
Donations are a part of the growth of our special children and young adults of Casa Angelica. Participation in our Tree of Life Program will help ensure the continued growth and development of the spiritual, educational, therapeutic, health and social programs for our young people.

Join us in this very special program, help us grow our tree that its leaves might spread and enfold our home.

Each leaf represents a $1,000.00 donation and be inscribed as you wish and placed on the “Tree of Life”. Our future is closely tied to our tree, as it blooms so shall we.

Your donations can also be a “memorial” for a loved one, a living tribute “honoring” someone special, and/or remembering us in your will. Our legal name is:

Daughters of Charity of Canossa
d/b/a Casa Angelica
5629 Isleta Blvd. SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105



On-Line Donations

Thank you for using our online donation option. Donations can be made securely online for general purposes, or you may want to offer your donation in honor or in memory of someone special. Simply fill out the form below and click on the Pay Pal icon to complete your transaction. You will receive a letter acknowledging your donation and a special gift from our Art from the Heart program.

Adopt Our Wish List
In addition to Financial Contributions, we greatly accept In-Kind Gifts of neede items. Because Casa Angelica is a home we are in constant need of the following items. Encourage your sewing club, Girl or Boy Scout Troup, Sunday School class or any other organization to which you may belong to host a donation drive! We can always use what’s on the list! For more information about hosting a Donation Drive please contact us by email:


Paper Goods

Paper Towels


Cleaning Supplies

Antibacterial Hand Soap (liquid)
Clorox Wipes
Laundry Detergent (powder)
13 Gallon Garbage Bags
33 Gallon Garbage Bags


Shampoo and Conditioner
Dove Body Wash


Art Supplies

Astrobrights Card Stock
White Card Stock
Colored Stamp Pads






Day Program

Paint Brushes
Colored Card Stock
Glue Sticks (mini)
Acrylic Paint
Large Back Packs